FARMEX™ -peruskunnostusohjelma

FARMEX™ -peruskunnostusohjelma
This is how we do it:

FARMEX PEUKKU™ refurbishment service

  1. The tank is sandblasted.
  2. The bottom of the tank is cut off along the entire length of the tank.
  3. The inside of the tank is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and the condition of the inside is inspected.
  4. The new bottom part is mangled to the right radius and heft closed. The seam comes like the seam of a new tank; no steel plate on top of another.
  5. Presure testing and ensuring oil resistance of welds.
  6. Surface treatment and washing.
  7. The necessary equipment and accessories are installed.
  8. Preparing surface for the painting.
  9. Primer and topcoat painting.
  10. Finishing and quality control. 

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Refurbishment service is done according to Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (TUKES) instructions 8/84/Y.


Refurbishment in pictures


Before refurbishment reception inspection is made and the tank is marked at the factory. The tank data is registered. We will contact the owner of the tank immediately if there are any additional questions regarding the refurbishment upon reception.



The corrosion area is cut off from the bottom of the tank. The inside is vacuumed and the condition of the inside is inspected.



The new bottom part is mangled to the right radius, heft closed and professionally welded.


The containment basin, electric pump, overfill protection and all other safety-enhancing accessories can be easily added to the tank during refurbishment.


A refurbished tank is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to prevent oil damage.


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